
Hi, Welcome to my site. My name is Denis Pageau and since 2007 I am an independent researcher who study both societies and citizenship. As I gain knowledge on these two subject a new manamgent science emerged which I named SOCIETALogy.

How can one science study both societies and citizenship?

The reason societalogy can study both subjects it is becaue in reality these two subjects are really the two sides of the same coin:

Indeed, when we study societies we study how we prevent, solve or manage the various social and societal tensions, frictions and conflicts that naturally arise because we are social beings and we share the same environment. If we are successul we create a certain social order.

In other words we create guidelines on how we can use the various resources that are present inside its frontiers in order to reduce the level of conflicts and increase our quality of life.


. Althouth these resources will vary from one society to antother. there are only four types of resources,

When we study citizenship, we  we study how we either individuall, in group or collectively, use these resources and what impact our practices have on the development and maintenance and strenghtening of the social order




manage the resources we use to live together in order to create a certain social order. And, when we study citizenship , , the second concerns the personal, social and societal skills we must develop to enable us to use . All of these enable us to become competent citizens


To be more specifice, I study societies as organizations, societies are our primary organizations societies are our primary organizations

These two subjects are really the two sides of the same coin:

Indeed societies are  which I study as an organization, and citizenship, which I study as a profession. This allows me to have a unique understanding of the structure that frames our societies and the problems that arise from it.

I became an independent researcher in 2007 as I started uses the lenses of management to study societies as organizations.


Indeed, when we study societies as organizations we study how we manage the resources we use to live together in order to create a certain social order. And, when we study citizenship as a profession, we study how we either individuall, in group or collectively, use these resources and what impact our practices have on the development and maintenance and strenghtening of the social order , the second concerns the personal, social and societal skills we must develop to enable us to use . All of these enable us to become competent citizens.

As and that these organizations belong to all those that live inside their boundaries, thus to all citizens.

. Thus .   citizenship. as a profession.

I came to the conclusion that societies are our primary organizations, which means that no other formal organizations can be created without a certain form of societies. I also came to the conclusion that societies belong to the citizens that live inside their boundaries. 


and citizenship is our primary profession. 


to study societies and citizenship.  As he use this approach, a new management science emerge which he callced SOCIETALogy.,




There are many advantages of studying societies as organizations. This approach helps understand the:

– common underlying goal to all societies,
– societal resources societies manage,
– societal change agents,
– various roles citizens play,
– privileges some citizens gains or receive,
– various types of citizens,
– different types of societies,

and most importantly it helps us identify which type of society is the most performing at achieving the goal and what citizens needs to do to effectively play their role in their societies.

The Core Advantage

The core advantage of studying societies as organizations and the role citizens play is that it helps identify the individual, group and collective best practices that will help strengthen the interrelations and interactions between citizens as they use the available societal resources to meet both their individual and collective needs.

Strengthening the interrelations and interactions reduces the levels of social and societal tensions, frictions and conflicts (the goal common to all societies) thus reducing the amount of societal resources we need to invest to solve or manage the tensions, frictions and conflicts that could have been prevented, solved or managed by the citizens themselves. This allows, on the one hand, to improve the quality of life by reducing irritants and, on the other hand, to optimize the use of societal resources.


This new management science can be useful to facilitate both the development of societies and of citizens.


Studying societies as organizations is a politically, religiously and philosophically neutral approach since it focuses on the outcome. This approach can thus be used to study any society anywhere in the world either has a whole or any of its societal dimensions including cultural,  economic, educational, social, constitutional, legal or other. It can even be used to identify the best practices that can be used to facilitate the functioning and development of our global village.    

Tools: Mr. Pageau has developed many tools to study societies. Please view the “Tools” section.


Societalogically speaking we are all citizens and we are all co-owners of the societies we live in. As such, we must see citizenship as a form of profession and see ourselves as professionals. To play our role effectively, we need to acquire the knowledge and skills that will help us be competent citizens. To be competent citizens we must be competent towards ourselves, personal competency, towards others, societal competency, and towards our collectivity, societal competency.

Tools: Mr. Pageau has developed many tools to help evaluate the actions of citizens including several training sessions and a community of practice for citizens. The objective of these tools is to help citizens become more competent citizens. Please view the “Tools” section.


Do you have needs for your community or your society? Would you like to improve the quality of life of your citizens? Optimize the use of societal resources? Assess the size of your government? Increase the competence of your citizens? Increase the engagement level of your fellow citizens? Can we help you in any way? Contact Denis Pageau at 1-844-568-6793.